Pluckemin Medical Equipment Ministry
Located on the pluckemin church property
Google Maps works best for directions and navigating with your phone to our location. Entering the property via the driveway adjacent to the offices of Habitat for Humanity is the best.
Equipment Drop Off Area
If you enter the property via the driveway next to the Habitat for Humanity offices you will see an area marked with traffic cones and a drop off sign directly in front of you. If you enter the property via the main church parking lot, proceed around back all the way around the preschool building and you will come upon a small gravel drive. Proceed ahead and you will come upon the drop off area on your left.

Equipment Pick Up Area
The easiest way to enter the property to pick up your equipment is by turning into the drive near the Habitat for Humanity Offices. Proceed slowly past their office building and park head first in the pickup/loading area. You will be met by a volunteer to assist you.